Imperial 41

Embracing the Local Lifestyle

Imperial 41

Activating a Disconnected Downtown Through Thoughtful Mixed-Use Planning

Connecting a Split Site

The future Imperial 41 project sits at the heart of Bonita Springs commercial corridor. The 5.3-acre site comprises of two somewhat equal parcels bifurcat­ed by the Imperial River, both facing Old 41 to the west. The City of Bonita Springs has long desired a comprehensive development that creates a walk­able, connective respite for residents and visitors. The city also envisioned a “boardwalk’ type of public access, with open park-like space as well retail and other commercial activities throughout the site. The development aims to entertain and activate by providing a mix of uses across the site, creating wel­coming and thoughtful public spaces, all while adding a bit of Gulf Coast flair.

We know mixed-use

The blending together and integration of multiple uses into a space that through composing form, connectivity, and engagement bring people together in a stimulating sequence of settings that encourages connectivity and creates a lasting bond with the public. At its very minimum, mixed-use creates opportunities for growth. At its very best, mixed-use design evolves — threading complex components in a simple presentation that provides vitality, energy, and experiences for life.